8. Top 3 Reason You Are Binge Eating

binge eating dieting food intuitive eating mindful eatinging May 18, 2023
Binge eating

Today I’m talking about a topic that many chronic dieters struggle with - binge eating. It’s common to have feelings of a lack of control and heap on the guilt and shame after a binge eating episode. But if you’re thinking you need to “get back on track” and “be good again” after you’ve binged, this episode is for you! Instead of spending your precious energy shaming and blaming yourself for binge eating, what you really need to do is get curious! And redirect your attention to what is actually CAUSING the binges. And NO, it is NOT your willpower. Today I’m sharing the top 3 most common causes I see over and over again that drive binge eating episodes with my clients to help you identify and address the root cause that is driving binge eating episodes. 

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